(Frozen semen only)


Jethro - AKC Fox Red Labrador Retriever Certified Therapy Dog , CGC

Jethro – AKC Fox Red Labrador Retriever
Certified Therapy Dog , CGC TDN

Many of you have inquired about breeding to Jethro, our beautiful Keepsake Fox Red Labrador Retriever stud. Jethro has proven to be a very special guy. He is classically English with a gorgeous head, extraordinary conformation, and a dark red coat.  Jethro has a quiet and loving temperament—therefore, his second job (first being giving us more wonderful Jethro puppies) is contributing to the lives of children as an emotional support-therapy dog. He is Certified through Humane Hearts (Humane Society of Forsyth County) in Cumming GA, and has qualified to receive his Novice Therapy designation from AKC (as soon as I send in the paperwork!).  He currently visits kids at a local high school who have varying special needs.


Jethro is proven and we are now proud to offer his frozen semen.  Jethro has had several beautiful litters.  Jethro is EIC, PRA, CNM and DM clear by test. He is eyes/heart normal.  His full semen analysis is available.

Bitch requirements–
Approved pedigree with photos
Clearances: EIC & PRA, CERF, Cardiac (informational purposes)
Negative brucellosis test within past six months
Progesterone testing
An agreement signed that puppies will not be sold with Full Registration without our consent.

Information regarding shipped semen for Jethro–

–We use  International Canine Semen Bank, Atlanta, GA, for frozen semen storage.

–Frozen semen will always be available through ICSB  

Costs to you (bitch owner) are:

$1250 per dose – no guarantees/no repeat due prior to shipment

Frozen semen*  (tank must be sent to your vet):
$150 per dose to ICSB (if expediting is required, there will be an upcharge).
Fedex charges (need not be overnight–frozen tank lasts 10days)

*This frozen semen is delivered via “bullet” (not straw) so that it can be inseminated either vaginally, TCI or surgical. Two doses can be shipped together and used when needed. It is always available so you will not miss a breeding.


  • Contact us as soon as you have made a decision.  We will send you a copy of our “stud contract.”
  • Send us your bitch’s pedigree, pictures and clearances
  • Brucellosis test your bitch (if needed)
  • Set up a Fedex account for shipping
  • You do not need a PayPal account for payment.  You can use a credit card on Paypal
  • Frozen semen can be sent well in advance of the time your bitch is ready – it will be available when you need it